Come in, come in. Take a seat, have some coffee and a cookie. 🙂
I love blogs. I’ve been blogging since 2006. I’ve had more blogs than I care to admit.
The blogs I had more fun writing were either personal, or the ones where I shared my journey as I learned something. In fact, my most successful blog was the one where I shared everything I learned about…blogging.
So, here’s the deal. I don’t know yet what this blog is going to be. Probably a mix of personal things, bookish things, behind-the-scenes info about my books, and everything I’m going to learn about blogging as an author.
I’ll make the necessary course corrections as I move forward, always looking for things that will be interesting and useful to you.
If you have suggestions, tell me what you’d like to see here. I’m listening! 🙂
Image: Linh Nguyen – CC0